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The 2020 AAEC+ACC cartoonist convention is cancelled

From the  AAEC website . Big surprise, but the 2020 AAEC+ACC gathering in Ottawa is postponed until further notice. The joint convention was planned for mid-May, but after watching international flights cancelled and hotels shut down for an unknown period of time, host  Wes Tyrell  put planning on hiatus. Last Tuesday the border between the two countries was closed to “non-essential” travel. The two cartoonist associations will wait and see how the coronavirus crisis plays out over the next week before making a final call on the annual event. UPDATE The 2020 AAEC+ACC cartoonist convention has been officially cancelled. Wes Tyrell, President of the Association of Canadian Cartoonists, said,  "We just heard today  (Friday March 27)  from the Canadian Feds, who were hosting a big chunk of the convention, that they must close their facilities until an undetermined date. We have clearly no ability to reschedule." "Ottawa is closed for business as is every other city in C

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