Registration form

For everyone joining us in Ottawa, I must ask you to take 2 minutes and look at the form below, fill it out and email it back to us promptly.
We are booking all the bits and bobs now and need to know as soon as we can how many will attend.

In order to register -

PLEASE fill out the above form and email it to us promptly -
THEN visit our ACC website store page and pay via PAYPAL link - HERE
Payments must be made in advance of the convention - contact us if there are any difficulties.

* - For those that wish to go old-school - make a cheque payable to the ACC and send to our treasurer.

Guy Badeaux
24 Pelletier
Gatineau Quebec J8Z 1C5

ACC Membership Dues: this fee need not apply to AAEC members in good standing.


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